Saturday, December 28, 2019

Speech At The Newtown, Connecticut Prayer Vigil For The...

Sandy Hook. It is crazy how all you need to understand an event is a title. By not say much there is a great chance that you already feel the emotion of Sandy Hook, you know what it means and what it stands for. It is sad, yes, but it is an event that will never change and that challenged a nation as a whole. Opportunities like these, although tragic, are moment in which we can see the true nature of our leader—the president. In Obamas speech at the Newtown, Connecticut prayer vigil for the victims of the sandy hook event, we see a glimpse of what the president means to his people (in Theodore Roosevelt s eyes) and also how Mass media has changed the view of audiences during this tragic event. Following the shooting at the elementary school of Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut President Barack Obama attended the vigil of the victims hosted at a local high school. In the case that you where unaware of the event, Sand Hook was an elementary school in which twenty children died , along with six adults at a shooting cause by a disturbed individual. The armed individual approached the school campus with preset negative intentions of what he was planing to do. Since nothing like this has happened before the school was unprepared for what was to come, but acted as courageously as possible to protect the student attending that evening. After the fact schools of all levels revised their safety protocol for better preparation in the event of this reoccurring. Although president

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